Рекламные идеи Российский журнал о творческом брэндинге YES!

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1813 статьи Rambler's Top100

Rambler's Top100



Mary Lee Keane

YES! 2/01

Advertising campaigns

Mary Lee Keane: "EFFIE is a contest in which every client wishes luck to its advertising agency"

EFFIE France 2000: effective advertising in French
The magazine presents nine accounts of the most successful advertising campaigns of France in 2000:

Eurostar: how to go out of a tunnel on full speed?
Spontex Swing: the way to wash yourself from the competitors
Leclerc: how to transform an old receipt into a money?
Manix: a witty presentation of a taboo product
Citroen: how to make a successful move with a car?
How to return young people to the army?
"Road warning" for young drivers
Badoit: how to play La Fountain's fables?
ING Direct: how to speak about money in a new way?

Рекламные Идеи
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